Born: 04/2006
Kelly lives up to here registered name, and is very easy living like me! Kelly loves the companionship that comes with being a special house dog. Kelly has raised several litters, and loves to go in and take care of everyone else's puppies as well. She is the main leader on the Kingmik sled team, is extremely bright, but can be strong-willed. She did not like the show ring much, but more than makes up for it with her enthusiasm in a variety of dog sports. Kelly has been a wonderful travel companion, is quite happy with airplane trips to the Yukon and absolutely adores car rides!
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Born: 01/2008
Sybel is Kianna's litter sister. Sybel had a pet home for a year and came back to live at the kennel when her new owners could no longer keep her. Sybel is very tall and loves all kinds of dog sports. She has only had one litter since returning to the kennel, but we are hopeful that she will have more puppies in the next year.
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Born: 06/2013
Meggie is the baby of the family, and what a cutie she is. Meggie will be making her show debut this summer, and hopefully enjoys it more than her mom-Kelly did. Meggie is very inquisitive and still has lots of puppy playfulness about her. It will be another year before Meggie is old enough to get bred. This summer, Meggie will also do obedience and agility.
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Born: 10/2008
Starr is a pretty girl, who is very outgoing and is comfortable in any situation. She has been a good mother to her puppies and will be bred another time or two before being retired. Starr runs point or swing on the Kingmik sled team and enjoys agility in the summer.
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Born: 02/2010
Kaicha was born in Budapest, Hungary and imported as a 4 month old puppy. Her mother is of the same breeding as Kip. Kaicha has had two litters to date and is a very devoted mother. She loves to run and enjoys all dog sports. Kaicha runs point on the Kingmik sled team.
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Born: 01/2008
Kianna is an active dog who loves her freedom from the kennels, returning only when she is good and ready! She loves to run around with all the other dogs and is fascinated by all the puppies. Kianna has already had a few litters and will likely be bred once more before she retires. Kianna runs swing on the Kingmik dog team.
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Born: 01/2012
Uka is co-owned with long time Kemptville friend, Lou Judge. Uka is a small girl and is expecting her first litter, sired by Kodak, in May of 2014. Uka loves to play outdoors and loves children of all ages.
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